
Manual on Regional Accounts Methods (Statistical Office of the European Communities -2013)
Reliable, consistent, appropriate, and coordinated regional statistical indicators provide the basis for sustainability, in targeted policies, to reduce economic and social inequalities between regions. Regional accounts play an important role in generating some of these indicators. Regional accounts reflect the regional nature of the corresponding accounts in the national economy. These accounts provide major economic standards, such as gross value added and household income, at the regional level, and, like national accounts, provide coverage for existing accounts and transactions at the regional level. Conceptually, regional accounts encompass the set of definitions and concepts of national accounts that make visible the structures, development, and economic inequalities of regions. The objective of regional accounts by the category of activities is the description of the production process in the regions, including a statistical description of the production stages of economic units located in the regions, inputs, outputs, gross value added, GDP, compensation of employees, and employees involved in the production and gross fixed capital formation by the category of activities. Just as national account data is the most important statistical tool in the process of planning, policy-making, and economic analysis at the national level, regional account data also play the same role at the regional level, albeit with much more efficient features. Access to regional accounts, in addition to being able to find solutions to the economic problems of the regions, by providing sufficient statistical tools to examine the performance of the regional economy and analyze the capacities and potentials of the regions, provide a suitable platform for the preparation and arrangement of the economic policy makings and plannings, in the macro-level, as accurately and coordinated as possible. Regional accounts have been produced annually in the Statistics Center of Iran since 2000 in all provinces of the country. Aiming to increase the quality and improve the methods used in regional accounts, the SRTC has translated and published the Manual on Regional Accounts Methods prepared by the Statistical Office of the European Communities.
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