
Register-based Statistics Statistical Methods for Administrative Data
The SRTC, according to its mission to promote the statistical knowledge of society, in addition to conducting research projects and writing books, has chosen the translation and publication of authoritative foreign sources as a policy and a suitable way to be updated on the world knowledge. The translation of the present book is one of the measures that have been included in the agenda of the SRTC to implement this policy, and it is hoped that it will be useful for researchers and students in the field of statistics and related fields. Register statistics and as a result, the production of register-based statistics is one of the statistical topics that in recent years has had many applications in the production of official statistics of the world's leading statistical countries. Therefore, in our beloved country of Iran, it is necessary to be aware of the principles of designing and creating a comprehensive system of statistical records, explaining methods for register statistics, and finally producing register-based statistics. Currently, the lack of a reference book related to this subject is quite evident in the scientific community of the country. It is hoped that the publication of the book "Register-based Statistics, Statistical Methods for Administrative Data" will be able to significantly bridge the existing gap. The present book outlines the concepts, principles, and theoretical foundations of the register statistics and seeks to familiarize readers with how to systematize the statistical use of administrative data and develop the theoretical foundations for creating a comprehensive statistical record system.
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