
Selected Population Indicators of the Country's Cities
Selected Population Indicators of the Country's Cities The SRTC, according to its mission in promoting the statistical knowledge of society, has put the writing and publication of specialized books and magazines on its agenda. The authorship of the present book is one of the measures that have been taken by SRTC to implement this policy, and it is hoped that it will be useful for researchers and students in the field of statistics and related fields. The achievement of the 2006 census, is the provision of extensive information that can be provided in the form of multiple tables, and according to the need at certain geographical levels. To publish the detailed results of the 2006 General Census of Population and Housing, separate publications have been considered for the whole country, each of the provinces, as well as each of the subprovinces. Although the publication for each of the subprovinces contains information about the cities located in the same subprovince, but then again to facilitate the geographical distribution of the urban population and facilitate the comparison of some demographic characteristics between the cities of the country, the book of selected population indicators of the country's cities has been prepared. For this purpose, in addition to the fact that the cities of the country are arranged alphabetically, for some of the demographic traits, the ranking of each city among the cities of the country is also determined and inserted in the relevant table to make it easier to compare the cities of the country in terms of this trait. It should be noted that in this book, indicators are used whose items are completely enumerated and indicators related to estimated items are not calculated.
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