
The Ninth Meeting on the Review of Experiences and Viewpoints in the area of Official Statistics with the Topic of Agricultural Statistics
Wednesday 14 February 2018

 The Ninth Meeting on the Review of Experiences and Viewpoints in the area of Official Statistics with the Topic of Agricultural Statistics

Statistical Research and Training Centre held the Ninth Meeting on the Review of Experiences and Viewpoints in the area of Official Statistics with the Topic of Agricultural Statistics  in the Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI) Meeting Hall on 13 February 2018 in which Mr. Hamidreza Jalali, Group Leader for Livestock and Poultry Statistics and Ms. Zahra Arab , Group Leader for  Natural Resources and Fisheries Statistics of  the Agriculture Office from the Statistical Centre of Iran delivered lectures.  Mr. Jalali reviewed the trend of meat production and consumption in Iran during 2002-2013 and Ms. Arab illustrated the achievements obtained from participating in the Regional Training Course on Cost of Production for Agricultural Statistics.

  • The Ninth Meeting on the Review of Experiences and Viewpoints in the area of Official Statistics with the Topic of Agricultural Statistics
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