The study of the employment status in the country shows that despite available different statistics and figures from different statistical sources, including labour force surveys, Input-Output Tables, population and housing census, registers, etc., the failure to achieve a single number for the employment of the total country is one of challenges before planners and policymakers in this area in most countries of the world. To make these statistics coherent, it is necessary to collect the labor force supply data from household surveys information, including labour force surveys, and labour force demand data from establishment surveys, national accounts, and Input-Output tables, and after integrating and matching these information resources, the integrated employment statistics are obtained.
Accordingly, the Statistical Research and Training Centre, with respect to its mission on conducting research projects aimed at improving the quality of statistics and taking into account the need of policymakers and planners for accurate and updated statistics and the analysis of these statistics, has put the research project "Compilation of the Labour Account in Iran: Concepts, Principles and Methods ", in its working programme and began it in June 2017, the final report of which is now available to interested people.
The main purpose of this study is to get familiar with the concepts, principles and conceptual framework of the labour account or labour accounting system, to determine the appropriate and accessible framework for the compilation of the labour account in Iran, and to calculate the employment account, the account of working hours and income account from labour in Iran, without considering the source of information production. According to ILO Convention No. 16, Labour Statistics, 1985 Board, the range of labour statistics not only contains employment, working hours and labour income, but also other phenomena related to the labour world, which is expected that one can gradually extend the series of labour accounts from the employment account, working hours account and labour income account to all other components of labour statistics. The results of the study are presented in the final report of the project which is available to interested people.