
Workshop on “Identification of Outliers in the Data with R software Statistical Research and Training Centre, 23-25 December 2018
Wednesday 02 January 2019

 Workshop on “Identification of Outliers in the Data with R software Statistical Research and Training Centre, 23-25 December 2018

The Workshop on “Identification of Outliers in the Data with R Software” was held by Dr. Ashkan Shabbak, Faculty Member, Statistical Research and Training Centre (SRTC) and In-charge, Office of Standards and Statistical Surveys Supervision of the Statistical Centre of Iran and Dr. Taban Baghfaleki, Faculty Member of Tarbiyat Moddares University, in the SRTC from 23-25 December 2018. In this Workshop, robust methods, the need for its identification, robust methods in one-variable and multi-variable data and application of R software in robust methods and identification of outliers in the data were addressed.

  • Workshop on “Identification of Outliers in the Data with R software Statistical Research and Training Centre, 23-25 December 2018
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